What I have to offer


”What is your vision of a better world to live in”?
I find this almost a cliche. It is so much talk around the syntagma “better world” that I find it a bit confusing. As I was trying to leave my preconceptions apart, I found that the very first words coming into my mind were: safety, no poverty, equality, peace, freedom.

It was still unclear for me what to do with these concepts and how to integrate them in my particular way of life. It is as if I refer to things that are not mine, that live outside me, that belong to a different stage or level of life. As I was aware of the need to integrate them into my way of being and acting I was struck by another question revealing my sense of acting into the world.

Am I more compassionate, helpful, happier than people who are not experiencing this state of freedom, peace, safeness?
I feel I haven’t reached that level of awareness and responsibility and I believe that most of the people living in such societies do not feel and act more compassionate, helpful or happier. One of the reason could be the fact that such people are unaware of the context they live in, but also of the reverse coin, so for example if the society or community you live in offers you safeness, equal rights or freedom of expression, imagine yourself living in a space where all these principles would not exist and you would be struggling to survive in a world where peace, freedom, food and shelter would be a day to day battle.

I invite you to reflect on these and use your powerful tool of imagination to create both ideal and horrific worlds.
Now, concentrate on your own experience in the world you are now and decide how you will act and operate in and around you.

As I was reflecting on this, I realized that more importantly is my personal state of awareness followed by responsibility. Acting more responsible will create a better world as Mahatma Gandhi invites us to “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

So, what do I have to offer in order to create a “better world“?
I just need to start changing from within being more aware, responsible and acting compassionate, loving and caring will come along.

What I have to offer is me!
What you have to offer is you!

Writing about this, I was inspired by a speech that belongs to Charlie Kaufman where he is speaking about his view of our actual society and the way we are operating in it.

This is the story I would like to share it with you watching this video

If you have a vision of a better place to live in, please share your thoughts!

Stay united.